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1Interplay of natural organic matter with flow rate and particle size on colloid transport: Experimentation, visualization and modelingEnvironmental Science & Technology(2015, 49(22):13385-13393)Yang X*, Zhang Y, Chen F, Yang Y.
2Organic matter induced mobilization of polymer-coated silver nanoparticles from water-saturated sandScience of the Total Environment(2015, 529:182-190)Yang X*. , Yin Z.,Chen F., Hu J., Yang Y.
3Environmental impact of estrogens on human, animal and plant life: a critical reviewEnvironment International(2016, 99:107-119)Adeel Muhammad, X Song, D Francis, YS Yang*
4Highly antifouling and antibacterial performance of poly (vinylidene fluoride) ultrafiltration membranes blending with copper oxide and graphene oxide nanofillers for effective wastewater treatmentJournal of Colloid and Interface Science(2017, 505:341-351)Chuanqi Zhao*, JinlingLv, Xiaochen Xu, Guoquan Zhang, Yuesuo Yang, Fenglin Yang
5Rapidly self-assembled polydopamine coating membranes with polyhexamethylene guanidine: Formation, characterization and antifouling evaluationColloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects(2017, 512: 41-50)Chuanqi Zhao*, Guoquan Zhang, XiaochenXu, Fenglin Yang, Yuesuo Yang
6Gram-negative Escherichia coli promotes deposition of polymer-capped silver nanoparticles in saturated porous mediaEnvironmental Science: Nano( 2018,5(6):1495-1505)Chen F, Yuan X, Song Z., Xu S., Yang Y., Yang X.*
7Uptake and transformation of steroid estrogens as emerging contaminants influence plant developmentEnvironmental Pollution, (2018,243(PT.B):1487-1497)Adeel, M. ,Yang, Y. S*. , Wang, Y. Y. , Song, X. M. , Ahmad, M. A. , Rogers, H. J.
8Environmental risk assessment of the emerging EDCs contaminants from rural soil and aqueous sources: Analytical and modelling approachesChemosphere(2018,198: 546-555)Song X M,Wen Y J,WangY,AdeelM,Yang Y S*
9Fate and transport of nanoplastics in complex natural aquifer media: Effect of particle size and surface functionalizationScience of The Total Environment(2019, 669: 120-128)Song Z., Yang X*., Chen F., Zhao F., Zhao Y.,RuanL.,Wang Y.,Yang Y.
10Formation of Cu3,4(TCA), making the TCA complex a highly selective probe for Cu2+detection:a highly selective probe for Cu2+detection:a TDDFT studyJournal of Materials Chemistry C(2019,7: 2443-2456)Fujun Li*, Rongjian Sa