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2015.9—2018.6 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所(获博士学位)
2005.9—2008.6 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园(获硕士学位)
2001.9—2005.6 南阳师范学院生物科学(师范专业)(获学士学位)
2018.7-至今 沈阳大学生命科学与工程学院
2010.7—2014.5 哈佛大学志愿者实验员
2008.9—2010.6 云南省普洱学院 助教



Ai-Ying Wang,, Yi-Jun Lu, Han-Xiao Cui, Shen-Si Liu, Si-Qi Li, Guang-You Hao. Xylem hydraulics of two temperate tree species with contrasting growth rates. Plants. 2024,13,3575.
Ai-Ying Wang, Han-Xiao Cui , Xue-Wei Gong, Jing-Jing Guo , Nan Wu, Guang-You Hao. Contrast in vulnerability to freezing-induced xylem embolism contributes to divergence in spring phenology between diffuse- and ring-porous temperate trees. Forest Ecosystems. 2022.10
Ai-Ying Wang, Guang-You Hao, Jing-Jing Guo, Zhi-Hui Liu, Jiao-Lin Zhang and Kun-Fang Cao. Diferentiation in leaf physiological traits related to shade and drought tolerance underlies contrasting adaptations of two Cyclobalanopsis (Fagaceae) species at the seedling stage. Forests. 2020.8(844)
Ai-Ying Wang, Shi-Jie Han, Jun-Hui Zhang, Miao Wang, Xiao-Han Yin, Li-Dong Fang, Da Yang, Guang-You Hao. The interaction between nonstructural carbohydrate reserves and xylem hydraulics in Korean pine trees across an altitudinal gradient. Tree Physiology. 2018. 36:1792-1804.
Ai-Ying Wang, M. Wang, D. Yang, J. Song, S-J Han, G-Y Hao. Responses of hydraulics at the whole-plant level to simulated nitrogen deposition of different levels in Fraxinus mandshurica. Tree Physiology. 2016. 36(8):1045-1055.
Da Yang, Ai-Ying Wang, Jiao-Lin Zhang, Corey J.A. Bradshaw, Guang-You Hao. Variation in stem xylem traits is related to differentiation of upper limits of tree species along an elevational gradient, Forests 2020. 11(3):349.
Da Yang, Ai-Ying Wang, Jiao-Lin Zhang, Corey J.A. Bradshaw, Guang-You Hao. Variation in stem xylem traits is related to differentiation of upper limits of tree species along an elevational gradient, Forests 2020. 11(3):349.
Da Yang, Guillermo Goldstein, Miao Wang, Ai-Ying Wang, Yan-Yan Liu and Guang-You Hao*. Microenvironment in the canopy rivals the host tree water status in controlling sap flow of a mistletoe species. Tree Physiology, 2017, 37 (4):501-510.
G.-Y. Hao, A.-Y. Wang, L. Sack, G. Goldstein and K-F. Cao. Is hemiepiphytism an adaptation to high irradiance? Testing seedling responses to light levels and drought in hemiepiphytic and non-hemiepiphytic Ficus. Physiologia Plantarum. 2013. 148 (1): 74-86.
P. L. Fu, Y. J. Jiang, A. Y. Wang, T. J. Brodribb, J. L. Zhang, S. D. Zhu, and K. F. Cao. Stem hydraulic traits and leaf water-stress tolerance are co-ordinated with the leaf phenology of angiosperm trees in an Asian tropical dry karst forest. Annals of Botany. 2012. 110:189-199.
G.-Y. Hao, A.-Y. Wang, Z-H. Liu, A.C. Franco, G. Goldstein, K-F. Cao. Differentiation in light energy dissipation between hemiepiphytic and non-hemiepiphytic Ficus species with contrasting xylem hydraulic conductivity. Tree Physiology. 2011. 31:626-636.
G.-Y. Hao, G. Goldstein, L. Sack, N. M. Holbrook, Z.-H. Liu, A.-Y. Wang, Z.-H. Su, R.D. Harrison, K.-F. Cao. Ecology of hemi-epiphytism in fig species is based on evolutionary coordination of hydraulics and carbon economy. Ecology. 2011. 92:2117-2130.
G.-Y. Hao, L. Sack, A.-Y. Wang, K.-F. Cao and G. Goldstein. Differentiation of leaf water flux and drought tolerance traits in hemiepiphytic and non-hemiepiphytic Ficus tree species. Functional Ecology. 2010.24:731-740.
B. Wilske, K.-F. Cao, G. Schebeske, J.-W. Chen, A.-Y. Wang, J. Kesselmeier. Isoprenoid emissions of trees in a tropical rainforest in Xishuangbanna, SW China. Atmospheric Environment. 2007. 41: 3748–3757.
郑悦,王爱英 等 沈阳市区不同环境下银杏水力特征和非结构性碳水化合物含量. 应用生态学报(CSCD),2022,33(3):711-719.
孔鑫#,王爱英# 等 水曲柳幼苗水力结构和光合生理对光强梯度变化的耦合响应. 南京林业大学学报(CSCD),20223, 47 (1): 83-91.
王爱英,姜艳娟,郝广友,曹坤芳. 西双版纳石灰山季节雨林三种常绿优势树种的水分关系. 云南植物研究. 2008,30 (3): 325~332.