1) 辽宁省社会科学规划基金重点项目《建立健全辽宁生态补偿机制问题研究》。
2) 华东师范大学精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室开放基金一项《人工合成麝香诱导小鼠损伤机制的光谱分析》
3) 辽宁省教育厅课题《人工合成麝香对蚯蚓胞内ROS信号通路的靶标及作用机理研究》。
4) 辽宁省社会科学重大基金项目《辽宁省建设面向东北亚生态休闲旅游目的地体系研究》
5) 辽宁省科技厅软科学计划项目《面向东北亚生态旅游目的地建设体系下的辽宁旅游产业发展模式研究》
6) 沈阳市高层次专家服务基层项目“沈阳大学助力乡村振兴服务姚堡“甜美红岭”西瓜核心品牌示范区建设活动”
7) 浑河王家湾橡胶坝坝体加固及其害处理工程项目竣工环境保护验收报告
8) 浑河右岸王家湾橡胶坝下游段岸坡治理工程项目竣工环境保护验收报告
9) 北镇市国土空间规划专题《国土综合整治与生态修复》
10) 北镇市国土空间规划专题《水资源平衡方案》
11) 《那木斯莱自然保护区总体规划》
12) 《辽阳县河栏镇土地复垦方案设计项目》
1) Li, Y., Jin, J., Li, S., Xia, S., & Wei, J. (2024). A Study of the Effects of Wetland Degradation on Soil-Microbial-Extracellular Enzyme Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus and Their Ecological Stoichiometry. Agronomy, 14(12), 3008.
2) Ye Li;Ying Wang;Xinran Han;Haodong Wang;Jia Fu.A study of intention to recycle pesticide packaging among rural farmers in China based on the logistic model. Environmental Research Communications,2023, Vol.5(4): 041004.
3) Zhang, T., Li, Y. & Wang, M. Prediction of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen affected by mine using Vis–NIR spectroscopy coupled with machine learning algorithms in calcareous soils. Sci Rep 14, 28014 (2024).
4) Zhang, T. Q., Y. Li, and M. Y. Wang. (2024). Resistance and uptake characteristics of three genotypes dianthus caryophyllus to chromium contamination of tailings soils. Applied ecology and environmental research.22 (1):869-879
5) Zhang, Tianqi, Ye Li, and Mingyou Wang. "Remote sensing-based prediction of organic carbon in agricultural and natural soils influenced by salt and sand mining using machine learning." Journal of Environmental Management 352 (2024): 120107.
6) Xinran Han, Ye Li, Ying Wang, Jiuwang Jin. Identifying the Drivers of Habitat Quality in Beizhen with Consider Arable Land Protection Based on the PLUS-InVEST Model,Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2023;32(5):4593–4605
7) Haodong Wang, Ye Li, Jia Fu, Quanguo Cheng, Jianbing Wei, Shanshan Feng, Yan Wang, Yue Gao. Heavy Metal Characterization and Health Risk Assessment in Agricultural Soils from an Agate Dyeing Village.2023. vol 32, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies ,1393-1404
8) Luona Wen, Jianxia Sun, Ye Li & Weibin Bai. Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside promotes the biosynthesis of progesterone through the protection of mitochondrial function in Pb-exposed rat leydig cells, Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2018,112:427-434.
9) 李晔,蔺怀等.矢车菊素⁃3⁃葡萄糖苷对镉胁迫后大鼠氧化损伤的缓解作用,生态学杂志,2016,35(5):1358-1363
10) 蔺怀,李晔等.矢车菊素⁃3⁃葡萄糖苷重金属铅致大鼠肝、肾损伤的保护作用研究,科学技术与工程,2016,16(2):88-93
11) 李晔等.基于PCR-DGGE的重金属污染土壤微生物种群指纹分析,生态环境, 2010, 19(9) :2204-2208
12) 李晔等.多环芳烃芘降解菌株的培养与降解特性研究,安全与环境学报,2011,11(2):1-4
一种修复重金属镉污染土壤的方法,中国发明专利。(ZL 2011 10413145.0)