1. 国家重点研发计划子课题,2019YFC1804805-3,基于西安场地的地下水污染快速识别与风险监测管控技术应用与验证,2020/01-2022/12,结题
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,42172284,农业活动驱动下地下水中雌激素与胶体的界面相互作用与协同迁移机制,2022/01-2025/12,在研
3. 辽宁省应用基础研究计划,2022020338-JH2/1013,土壤-地下水系统中农业地膜微塑料污染的生态风险与原位修复技术研发,2022/06-2025/05,在研
4. 辽宁省博士科研启动基金,2019-BS-170,铁氧化物对地下水中农业源类固醇雌激素迁移的影响及其修复应用,2019/10-2021/09,结题
5. 横向课题,2021-Zjn-063,丽水市土壤-地下水-地表水污染风险管控及评价技术研发-岩土工程地球物理探测,2021/03-2021/10,结题
6. 横向课题,SCDXSWRFZKFJJ2018-02,四川省环境保护地下水污染防治工程技术中心开放基金研究计划:新型氧化铁复合材料在地下水重金属污染 PRB 修复技术中的应用,2018/01-2019/12,结题
1. Song X, Zhang Z, Wen Y, et al. The response of steroid estrogens bioavailability to various sorption mechanisms by soil organic matter extracted with sequential alkaline-extraction method from an agriculture soil. Environmental Pollution, 2022, 308: 119630
2. Wang Y, Zhong L, Song X, et al. Natural colloids facilitated transport of steroidal estrogens in saturated porous media: Mechanism and processes. Environmental Pollution, 2022, 315: 120315.
3. Yan Z, Song X, Wu Y, et al. Fingerprinting Organochlorine Groundwater Plumes Based on Non-Invasive ERT Technology at a Chemical Plant. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12(6): 2816.
4. Xia, H.; Zhang, W.J.; Yang, Y.S.; Zhang, W.; Purchase, D., Zhao, C.Q.; Song X.M.; Wang, Y.Y. Degradation mechanism of tris (2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP) as an emerging contaminant in advanced oxidation processes: A DFT modelling approach. Chemosphere, 2021, 273: 129674.
5. Song, X., Zhang, Y., Cao, Nan., Sun, D., Zhang, Z., Wang, Y., Wen, Y., Yang, Y., Lyu, Tao. Sustainable chromium (VI) removal from contaminated groundwater using nano-magnetite-modified biochar via rapid microwave synthesis. Molecules, 2020,26, 103.
6. Wen Y, Li C, Song X, et al. Biodegradation of phenol by Rhodococcus sp. strain SKC: Characterization and kinetics study. Molecules, 2020, 25(16): 3665.
7. Song X, Wen Y, Wang Y, et al. Environmental risk assessment of the emerging EDCs contaminants from rural soil and aqueous sources: analytical and modelling approaches. Chemosphere, 2018, 198: 546-555.
8. Adeel, M.#, Yang, Y., Wang, Y., Song, X., Ahmad, M., Rogers, H. Uptake and transformation of steroid estrogens as emerging contaminants influence plant development. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 243: 1487-1497.
9. Adeel M, Song X, Wang Y, et al. Environmental impact of estrogens on human, animal and plant life: A critical review. Environment international, 2017, 99: 107-119.
1. 一种基于固定化微生物技术修复土壤雌二醇的方法,中国发明专利,ZL201510453027.0
2. 一种处理鱼塘水中雌酮的改良SAT系统,中国发明专利,ZL201510078813.7