1. 污染土壤生态修复技术
2. 污染环境生态风险评价
3. 退化生态系统修复
2. 污染环境生态风险评价
3. 退化生态系统修复
1999.09—2002.08 东北大学,地质普查与勘探,工学博士
1987.09—1990.03 长春地质学院,矿床地球化学,工学硕士
1978.09—1982.07 长春地质学院,地球化学勘察,工学学士
1982.08—1987.08 沈阳黄金专科学校,地质系,讲师
1990.04—1999.08 沈阳黄金专科学校,地质系,副教授
2000.01—2003.04 东北大学资源与土木工程学院,副教授
2003.04—2006.06 中国科学院沈阳应用生态所污染生态学博士后流动站, 博士后出站,
2003.05— 2018.12 沈阳大学区域污染环境生态修复教育部重点实验室常务副主任,教授
2013.01—2018.11 沈阳大学环境学院院长,教授
1987.09—1990.03 长春地质学院,矿床地球化学,工学硕士
1978.09—1982.07 长春地质学院,地球化学勘察,工学学士
1982.08—1987.08 沈阳黄金专科学校,地质系,讲师
1990.04—1999.08 沈阳黄金专科学校,地质系,副教授
2000.01—2003.04 东北大学资源与土木工程学院,副教授
2003.04—2006.06 中国科学院沈阳应用生态所污染生态学博士后流动站, 博士后出站,
2003.05— 2018.12 沈阳大学区域污染环境生态修复教育部重点实验室常务副主任,教授
2013.01—2018.11 沈阳大学环境学院院长,教授
一 、教学
二 、科研
1.国家自然科学基金面上项目:污染土壤与底泥中重金属的活化机理与植物有效性研究(20477029), 2005.1-2007.12,结题
2.国家自然科学基金面上项目:镉超积累植物根际分泌物特征及其对土壤多金属激活机理(41071304), 2011.1-2013.12, 结题
3.国家973项目子课题:重金属污染土壤的修复技术与生态因子调控(2004CB418506-3), 2005.1-2009.11, 结题
4.国家973项目子课题:植物-微生物联合修复有机污染土壤的集成技术与工程示范(2014CB441106-4), 2014.1-2018.12, 结题
5.国家自然科学基金面上重点项目子课题:土壤污染微界面过程及其分子诊断与调控原理(21037002-2), 2012.1-2015.12, 结题
6.国家重大863子课题:重大环境污染事件风险场预警物理模型构建与关键参数确定(2007AA06A405-1), 2011.1-2014.12, 结题
8.国家科技部“十二五”重大水专项课题:辽河保护区水生态建设综合示范(2012ZX07202-004)(2012ZX07202-004), 2010.7-2018.12, 结题
9.国家科技部“十三五”国家重大水专项,辽河保护区河流健康修复与管理技术集成 (2018ZX07601-003),2018.1-2020.6,结题
10.国家科技部“十一五”重大水专项专题项目:辽河流域水环境监测网络优化研究(2009ZX07528-006-04-01), 2009.1-2011.12, 结题
11.国家科技部“十一五”重大水专项专题项目:重污染河道底泥安全处理处置技术与生态风险评估(2008ZX07208-003-004-02), 2008.1-2010.12, 结题
12.国家科技部“十一五”重大水专项专题项目:污染支流底泥生态修复技术(2008ZX07208-005-003), 2008.1-2010.12, 结题
13.国家科技部“十一五”重大水专项专题项目:辽河流域水环境演变及其驱动力研究(2008ZX07208-001-003), 2008.1-2010.12, 结题
14.国家科技支撑子课题:老工业搬迁区生态风险评估(2011BAJ06B02-1), 2010.1-2013.12,结题
15.中德国际合作项目子课题:有机废水(污泥)资源化技术(S2012ZR0191-4), 2011.12-2015.12, 结题
16.国家重大农业专项子课题:用地质信息检验土壤母质的方法研究(2012FY112100), 2012.1-2017.12, 结题
17.辽宁省创新团队项目:区域污染环境生态修复(LT2011017), 2012.1-2014.12, 结题
18.辽宁省优秀人才项目:微生物强化重金属污染土壤的植物修复技术(2009R44), 2009.1-2012.12, 结题
19.国家地质调查局辽宁省辽河流域农业地质调查项目子课题:沈阳细河流域生态环境地球化学评估(1212010511209-1 ), 2006-2007, 结题
20.国家地质调查局辽宁省辽河流域农业地质调查项目子课题:辽河流域饮用水型氟中毒区地球化学(1212010511209-2), 2007-2008, 结题
21.辽宁省基金:辽宁省金属矿山生态环境的植物修复研究(2006 2002), 2006-2008, 结题
22.沈阳市科技局项目: 重金属污染土壤植物—微生物联合修复技术研究(1071149-3-02), 2007.6-2010.6, 结题
23.沈阳市科技局项目:环境样品中持久性有机氯污染物的快速检测方法(2007GX-36), 2007.6-2009.6, 结题
24.沈阳市科技局项目: 适宜沈阳地区的丰产桑、蚕新品种的研究 (1071149-3-00), 2007.6-2010.6, 结题
1.Lina Sun, Yong Geng et al.. Measurement of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(PAHs) in a Chinese brownfiled redevelopment site: The case of Shenyang, Ecological Engineering 2013, 53:115-119
2. Lina Sun, zhixin Niu et al. .Effects of Amendments of N, P, Fe on Phytoextraction of Cd, Pb, Cu, and Zn in Soil of Zhangshi by Mustard, Cabbage, and Sugar Beet, Environmental Toxicology,2007,6(22):565-571
3. Lina Sun et al.. Temporal-spatial Distribution and Variability of Cadmium (Cd) Contamination in Soils in Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences ,2006,18(6):1241-1246
4. Lina Sun et al.. Spatial distribution of Cd, Cu in soils in Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area (SZIA), China. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B,2008,9(3):271-278
5. Lina Sun et al.. Effects of Flooding on Changes in Eh, pH and Speciation of Cadmium and Lead in Contaminated Soil. Bullentin of environmental contamination and toxicology,2007,79(5):514-518
6. Lv LH, Sun LA*, Yuan CL, Han Y, Huang ZH. The combined enhancement of RL, nZVI and AQDS on the microbial anaerobic-aerobic degradation of PAHs in soils. Chemosphere. (2022) 135609.
7. Zijin Bian, Lina Sun* et al.. Estimation of multimedia metal(loid)s around abandoned mineral processing plants using hyperspectral technology and extreme learning machine. Environmental Science and Pollution Research https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-22904-1.
8. Xuehao Zheng, Miaomiao Zhao, Lina Sun * et al.. Using organo–mineral complex material to prevent the migration of soil Cd and As into crops: An agricultural practice and chemical mechanism study. Science of the Total Environment , 883 (2023) 163662.
9. Zijin Bian, Lina Sun et.al.. Estimation of Heavy Metals in Tailings and Soils Using Hyperspectral Technology: A Case Study in a TinPolymetallic Mining Area. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00128-021-03311-7.
10. Li Zhen, Sun Lina, Wang Hui. Adsorption behaviour and mechanism of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons onto typical microplastics in a soil solution. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. DOI:10.1080/03067319.2022.2128791
11. Li Zhen, Wang XX, Sun Lina* et al.. Pyr-GC-MS analysis of microplastics extracted from formland soils. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. DOI:10.1080/03067319.2021.1969382
12. Luge Rong, Xuehao Zheng, Belay Tafa O, Chenbo Shen, Xiaoxu Wang, Hui Wang, Qing Luo , Lina Sun **. Activating soil microbial community using bacillus and rhamnolipid to remediate TPH contaminated soil. Chemosphere,2021
13. Yue-Xian Song, Su Chen, Nan You, Hong-Tao Fan*, Li-Na Sun**. Nanocomposites of zero-valent Iron@Activated carbon derived from corn stalk for adsorptive removal of tetracycline antibiotics. Chemosphere 255 (2020) 126917
14. Xuehao Zheng, Hui Ding, Ximeng Xu, Benqiang Liang, Xingyi Liu, Dan Zhao & Lina Sun*. In situ phytoremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-contaminated agricultural greenhouse soil using celery. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY https://doi.org/10.1080/09593330.2020.1727022
15. Hui Wang, Lina Sun* et al.. Optimal Design of River Monitering Network in Tazihe River by Matter Element Analysis, POLS ONE, 2015/05
16. Hongling Zhang, Lina Sun* et al.. Spatial distribution and seasonal variation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contaminations in surface water from the Hun River, Northeast China, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2013, 185:1451-1462
17. Qing Luo, Lina Sun* et al.. Metabonomics Study on Root Exudates of Cadmium Hyperaccumulator Sedum Alfredii. 2015,43(1): 7–12
18. Qing Luo, Lina Sun* et al.. The Variation of Root Exudates from the Hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii under Cadmium Stress: Metabonomics Analysis. POLS ONE, 2014.12
19. Jiaxi Tang,Lina Sun* et al.. Agricultural non-point source pollutants reduction By established riparian vegetated filter strips:a case study in the Liao
River area, China. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2013. 11 (3-4)
20. Meihua Lian, Yaohua Zhang, Lina Sun* et al.. Influence of Dissolved Organic Matter on Cd Speciation in Rhizosphere Soil Solution and Phytoextraction by Sedum alfredii and Sedum sarmentosum. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. Vol. 24, No. 5 (2015), 2035-2044
21. Qing Luo, Lina Sun* et al..Metabolic profiling analysis of root exudates from the Cd hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii under different Cd exposure concentrations and times , Analytical Methods, 2015.03
22. Su Chen, Lina Sun* et al.. Influence of organic acid and amino acid on cadmium and lead desorption from soil. Australia Journal of Soil Research, 2007, 45: 554-558
23. Su Chen, Lina Sun* et al.. Interaction between cadmium, lead and potassium fertilizer (K2SO4) in a soil-plant system. Geochemistry and Health, 2007,29(5): 435-446
24. Hongling Zhang, Lina Sun* et al.. Estimation of Lead Bioavailability in Smelter-Contaminated Soils by Single and Sequential Extraction Procedure. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2009) 82: 43–47
25. Hongling Zhang, Lina Sun *et al.. Solubility of ion and trace metals from stabilized sewage sludge by fly ash and alkaline mine tailing. Journal of environmental science, 2008,20(6)
26. Hongling Zhang, Lina Sun* et al.. Solubility of trace elements and heavy metals from stabilized sewage sludge by fly ash. Journal of environmental science, (2009)
27. T. Bao, Lina Sun* et al.. Effect of cadmium on physiological responses of wheat and corn to iron deficiency, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2012.08
28. N Zhixin, S Lina* et al.. Dynamics of three oranic acids (malic, acetic and succinic acid) in sunflower exposed to cadmium and lead, International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2013.07
29. Wu H, Sun L*, Wang H, et al. In situ sodium persulfate/calcium peroxide oxidation in remediation of TPH-contaminated soil in 3D-sand box[J]. Environmental technology, 2018, 39(1): 91-101.
30. Wu H, Sun L*, Wang H, et al.. Persulfate Oxidation for the Remediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soils. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2016.08
31. Wang X, Sun L*, Wang H, et al.. Surfactant-enhanced bioremediation of DDTs and PAHs in contaminated farmland soils. Environmental Technology, 2018.05
32. Hui Wang, Lina Sun* et al.. In-Situ Bioremediation of DDTs and PAH Contaminated Aging Farmland Soil Using Blood Meal. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 2017.12
33. Hui Wang, Lina Sun* et al.. Spatial Distribution and Seasonal Variations of Heavy Metal Contamination in Surface Waters of Liaohe River, Northeast China. Chinese Geographical Science, 2017.01
34. Wang H, Liu Z, Sun L, et al. Characterization and Risk Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Surface Water from Liaohe River, Northeast China[J]. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 2018, 38(5): 389-401
35. Zhang H, Ma G, Sun L et al.. Effect of alkaline material on phytotoxicity and bioavailability of Cu, Cd, Pb and Zn in stabilized sewage sludge[J]. Environmental technology, 2018, 39(17): 2168-2177.
36. Tong Bao, Tieheng Sun, Lina Sun* et al.. Low molecular weight organic acids in root exudates and cadmium accumulation in cadmium hyperaccumulator solanum nigruml,and nonhyperaccumulator solanum lycopersicumL. African journal of biotechnology vol 2011
37. Tong Bao, Lina Sun* et al.. The effects of Fe deficiency on low molecular weight organic acid exudation and cadmium uptake by solanum nigrumL. siol&plant science 2011 61:4 305-311
38. Tong Bao, Lina Sun* et al.. Evaluation of iron on cadmium uptake by tomato, moreland leaf red beet in hydroponic culture. journal of plant nutrition 2010 33;5 713-723
39. Tong Bao, Lina Sun* et al.. Iron-deficiency induces cadmium uptake and accumulation in solanum nigrum L. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2009,82:338-342.
40. Niu Zhixin, Lina Sun* et al.. Evaluation of phytoextracting cadmium and lead by sun flower,ricinus,alfalfa and mustard in hydroponic culture. journal of environmental sciences, 2006
41. Hongling Zhang, Lina Sun* et al.. Principal physicoahenmical properties of artificial soil composed of fly ash,,sewage sludge and mine tailing. bullenviron contam toxical,2007
42. Niu Zhixin, Lina Sun* et al.. Response of Root and Aerial Biomass to Phytoextraction of Cd and Pb by Sunflower, Castor bean, Alfalfa and Mustard. Advances in Environmental Biology, 2009, 3(3): 255-262
43. Niu Zhixin, Lina Sun* et al.. Characteristics of cadmium and lead phytoextraction by sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in sand culture. Advanced Materials Research, 2011,183: 1496-1504.
44. Qing Luo, Shiyu Wang, Muhammad Adee, Yue Shan, Hui Wang & Lina Sun.
Solvent demulsification-dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction based
on solidification of floating organic drop coupled with ultra-high-
performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for simultaneous determination of 13 organophosphate esters in aqueous samples, Scientific Reports, 2019, 9, 11292. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-47828-8
45. Wang Hui, Zhao Yingying, Rong Luoge, Sun Lina et.al.. Characterization of a bacterial strain capable of degrading diesel under aerobic conditions and its application in bioremediation of contaminated soil. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2022, 31(01A): 895-901.
46. Wang Hui, Jiao Zhenheng, Wang Liusuo, Wang Yinggang, Luo Qing, Wu Hao, Wang Xiaoxu, Sun Lina. The study on optimal design of river monitoring network using modified approaching degree model: a case study of the Liaohe River, Northeast China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27: 41515–41523.
47. Siyao Liu, Sun Lina et.al.. Characteristics of Jumper Communities in Farmland Soil Around Typical Mercury Thallium Mining Areas . Biological Diversity (Chinese), 2022, 30 (12): 22265
48. Qing Luo, Shiyu Wang, Yue Shan, Li-na Sun, Hui Wang. Matrix solid-phase dispersion coupled with gas chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry for simultaneous determination of 13 organophosphate esters in vegetables. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2018) 410:7077–7084
49. Qing Luo, Shiyu Wang, Li-na Sun & Hui Wang. Metabolic profiling of root exudates from two ecotypes of Sedum alfredii treated with Pb based on GC-MS. Scientific Reports (2017)| 7:39878 | DOI: 10.1038/srep39878
50. G.F. Ma, H. Ye, H.L. Zhang, C.L. He, L.N. Sun, H.F. Zhang, Z.Q. Hu. The relation between wetting and interfacial chemistry in the Zr-Based BMGs/W system. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,690(2017):906-908
51. Wang Hui, Zhao Yueming, Adeel Muhammad, Liu Chunyue, Wang Yinggang. Luo Qing, Wu Hao, Sun Lina. Characteristics and health risk assessment of potentially toxic metals in urban topsoil in Shenyang City, northeast China. Clean-air, soil, water, 2020, 48: 1900228.
52. Zhang Hongling, Sun Lina*, Sun Tieheng. Leaching characteristics of manganese and iron from artificial soil. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 518-523: 2568-2571.
53. 李珍,孙丽娜*等,土壤中聚乙烯和聚苯乙烯微塑料对多环芳烃的吸附行为和机理分析,环 境 科 学 学 报,2022,42(11):232-244
54. 韩悦,孙丽娜*等,鼠李糖脂-纳米零价铁-丙酮酸钠强化微生物厌氧-好氧降解土壤DDTs效果研究,农 业 环 境 科 学 学 报, 2023,42(4):799-810
55. 时馨竹,孙丽娜*等,沈阳周边农田土壤中微塑料组成与分布,农 业 环 境 科 学 学 报, 2021,40(7): 1498-1508
56. 余果,孙丽娜*等,全氟丁烷磺酸对其耐受菌胞外聚合物特征的影响,农 业 环 境 科 学 学 报, 2023,42(5):1032-1041
57. 李珍, 孙丽娜等* ,基于热裂解气相色谱-质谱技术对农田土壤中纳米塑料的检测方法,环境化学,2023,43(3):
58. Qing Luo , Leiyan Gu , Zhongping Wu , Yue Shan , Hui Wang , Lina Sun. Distribution, source apportionment and ecological risks of organophosphate esters in surface sediments from the Liao River,Northeast China. Chemosphere, 250(2020)126297
59. Zhang H. L, Zhifang Zhao, Guofeng Ma, Lina Sun. Quantitative evaluation of soil anti-erodibility in riverbank slope remediated with nature-based soil bioengineering in Liaohe River, Northeast China. Ecological Engineering, 2020, 151 doi:
60.Hui Wang, Chunyue Liu, Luge Rong, Xiaoxu Wang, Lina Sun et al..
Optimal river monitoring network using optimal partition analysis: a case study of Hun River, Northeast China. Environmental Technology, 2019, 40(11):1359–1365
61.Yushuang Li, Xiaojun Hu, Xueying Song, Yongxia Hou, Lina Sun.
Phytoextraction potential of Solanum nigrum L. and Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla L. in Cd-contaminated water. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2015, 4(4):1683-1687
62.Chen S., Ma H.Y., Zhan S.H., Chao L., Sun L.N et al.. Remediation
cadmium polluted soil by Beta Vulgaris Var. Cicla L. strengthened with agronomic. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2018, 27: 9060-9065
63.Hui Wang, Chunyue Liu, Luoge Rong, Lina Sun et al.. Polycyclic
Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Surface Water of the Taizi River in Northeast China. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds,2020, (40)2: 219-227.
64.Tong Bao, Lina Sun* et al.. Effect of cadmium hyperaccmulation on
antioxidative defense and proline accumulation of solanum nigruml. African journal of biotechnology, 2011
1.孙丽娜、王辉、孙铁珩。辽宁中部城市群生态环境可持续发展能力 。沈阳:东北大学出版社, 2010.3,ISBN 978-7-81102-A812-6
2.王辉、孙丽娜等,辽河流域水环境监测网络优化,北京:中国环境科学出版社,2017.12, ISBN978-7-5111-3406-6
3.杨雪莲、李凤梅、孙丽娜、刘广纯,环境与资源微生物学,沈阳:辽宁科学出版社, 2007.,ISBN 978-7-5381-4790-21
4.徐新阳、孙丽娜,环境评价教程,北京:化学工业出版社2004. 5,ISBN7-5025-5586-2/G.149
5.陈苏、孙丽娜等,河岸带健康评估指标体系与评估方法,北京:中国环境出版社,2018.1, ISBN978-7-5111-3399-1
6.张洪齢、孙丽娜等,辽河保护区河岸带稳定与污染阻控技术,北京:化学工业出版社, 2018.6, ISBN978-7-122-32050-6
7.吴昊、孙丽娜等,过硫酸盐在污染环境修复中的应用,北京:中国环境科学出版社,2018.1, ISBN 978-7-5111-3435-6
9.宋永会、王阳、白洁、 冯占立、乔琦、全燮、孙丽娜等,辽河流域水污染控制技术集成与应用示范,北京:科学出版社,ISBN 978-7-03-066555-3
1. 孙丽娜、吕良禾、王晓旭、王辉、吴昊、苑春莉、韩悦,一种联合强化顺序厌氧-好氧高效降解土壤DDTs和PAHs复合污染土壤的方法(ZL 2022 1 0665244.6), 2023-09-09
2. 孙丽娜, 王晓旭, 陈苏, 王辉, 吴昊, 牛之欣, 吕良禾,一种联合修复滴滴涕-多环芳烃复合污染土壤的方法 (ZL 201610137138.5), 2018.08
3. 孙丽娜, 王晓旭, 吴昊, 王辉, 陈苏. 一种 DDT 降解菌及其利用 DDT 原位修复污染土壤方法(ZL 201610226232.8),2019.06
4. 孙丽娜,吴昊等, 一种石油类污染场地土壤的原位联合修复方法 (ZL 201610234782.4), 2019.04
5. 张鸿龄,马国峰,孙丽娜,农业流域河岸带边坡的土壤-植物-生物稳定方法ZL201510109862.2), 2016.08
6. 张鸿龄,马国峰,孙丽娜,构建阻控农业面源污染寒冷地
区河岸缓冲带的方法 (ZL201510186513.0),2016.08
7. 罗庆,王诗雨,单岳,孙丽娜,王辉. 一种利用基质固相分散萃取分析植物有机磷酸酯的方法 (ZL 201810192273.9), 2019.10
8. 陈苏,王晓旭,孙丽娜,晁雷,马鸿岳,蒲涵,韩琪琪,一种修复滴滴涕、多环芳烃复合污染土壤的方法 (ZL 201610129230.8), 2018.11
9. 王辉, 孙丽娜, 王晓旭, 张鸿龄, 陈苏,吴昊,一种生物剂修复滴滴涕-多环芳烃复合污染土壤的方法(ZL 201610226168.3), 2018.10
10.王辉, 孙丽娜, 张鸿龄, 陈苏, 王晓旭,吴昊,一种利用血粉原
位修复 DDTs 污染老化农田土壤的方法 (ZL 201610137971.X), 2018.08
11. 罗庆,王诗雨,孙丽娜,王辉 . 同时快速检测土壤中多种有机
磷酸酯阻燃剂方法( ZL 201710408076.1), 2019.12
12. 安长伟,杨悦锁,杨新瑶,宋晓明,吴昊,孙丽娜,一种处理鱼塘水中雌酮的改良 (ZL 201510078813.7), 2017.07
13. 张鸿龄,吕良禾,马国峰,孙丽娜.. 一种联合修复 DDT-PAHs 复合污染土壤的方法 (ZL 201610241718.9), 2019.04
14. 林静雯,吴丹,孙丽娜,王丹丹、张岩,谢东青,一种能抑制氮肥淋失的牛粪生物炭制备方法 (ZL 2014102601218.2),2016.06
15.陈苏、孙丽娜等,重金属污染土壤淋洗实验装置及其方法(ZL 2007 1 0010441.4),2011
16. 牛之欣、、孙丽娜等,一种用于固体废弃物厌氧生物修复的实验装置(ZL 2010 1 0578778.2), 2012
17. 张洪齢、孙丽娜等,一种用于固体废弃物淋滤液收集的实验装置(ZL 2010 1 0578635.1), 2012
18. 陈苏、孙丽娜等,北方寒冷地区潜流人工湿地无动力复氧进水系统(ZL 2010 1 0562853.6), 2012
19. 陈苏、孙丽娜等,空塔曝气生态滤床污水处理系统(ZL2010 1 0578704.9), 2012
20. 孙丽娜等,城市土壤污染监控管理系统软件(2013SR069907), 2013
1. “辽河保护区水生态修复技术与示范”,辽宁省科技进步二等奖,2018-J-2-26-RO.1(排名第一)
二 、科研
1.国家自然科学基金面上项目:污染土壤与底泥中重金属的活化机理与植物有效性研究(20477029), 2005.1-2007.12,结题
2.国家自然科学基金面上项目:镉超积累植物根际分泌物特征及其对土壤多金属激活机理(41071304), 2011.1-2013.12, 结题
3.国家973项目子课题:重金属污染土壤的修复技术与生态因子调控(2004CB418506-3), 2005.1-2009.11, 结题
4.国家973项目子课题:植物-微生物联合修复有机污染土壤的集成技术与工程示范(2014CB441106-4), 2014.1-2018.12, 结题
5.国家自然科学基金面上重点项目子课题:土壤污染微界面过程及其分子诊断与调控原理(21037002-2), 2012.1-2015.12, 结题
6.国家重大863子课题:重大环境污染事件风险场预警物理模型构建与关键参数确定(2007AA06A405-1), 2011.1-2014.12, 结题
8.国家科技部“十二五”重大水专项课题:辽河保护区水生态建设综合示范(2012ZX07202-004)(2012ZX07202-004), 2010.7-2018.12, 结题
9.国家科技部“十三五”国家重大水专项,辽河保护区河流健康修复与管理技术集成 (2018ZX07601-003),2018.1-2020.6,结题
10.国家科技部“十一五”重大水专项专题项目:辽河流域水环境监测网络优化研究(2009ZX07528-006-04-01), 2009.1-2011.12, 结题
11.国家科技部“十一五”重大水专项专题项目:重污染河道底泥安全处理处置技术与生态风险评估(2008ZX07208-003-004-02), 2008.1-2010.12, 结题
12.国家科技部“十一五”重大水专项专题项目:污染支流底泥生态修复技术(2008ZX07208-005-003), 2008.1-2010.12, 结题
13.国家科技部“十一五”重大水专项专题项目:辽河流域水环境演变及其驱动力研究(2008ZX07208-001-003), 2008.1-2010.12, 结题
14.国家科技支撑子课题:老工业搬迁区生态风险评估(2011BAJ06B02-1), 2010.1-2013.12,结题
15.中德国际合作项目子课题:有机废水(污泥)资源化技术(S2012ZR0191-4), 2011.12-2015.12, 结题
16.国家重大农业专项子课题:用地质信息检验土壤母质的方法研究(2012FY112100), 2012.1-2017.12, 结题
17.辽宁省创新团队项目:区域污染环境生态修复(LT2011017), 2012.1-2014.12, 结题
18.辽宁省优秀人才项目:微生物强化重金属污染土壤的植物修复技术(2009R44), 2009.1-2012.12, 结题
19.国家地质调查局辽宁省辽河流域农业地质调查项目子课题:沈阳细河流域生态环境地球化学评估(1212010511209-1 ), 2006-2007, 结题
20.国家地质调查局辽宁省辽河流域农业地质调查项目子课题:辽河流域饮用水型氟中毒区地球化学(1212010511209-2), 2007-2008, 结题
21.辽宁省基金:辽宁省金属矿山生态环境的植物修复研究(2006 2002), 2006-2008, 结题
22.沈阳市科技局项目: 重金属污染土壤植物—微生物联合修复技术研究(1071149-3-02), 2007.6-2010.6, 结题
23.沈阳市科技局项目:环境样品中持久性有机氯污染物的快速检测方法(2007GX-36), 2007.6-2009.6, 结题
24.沈阳市科技局项目: 适宜沈阳地区的丰产桑、蚕新品种的研究 (1071149-3-00), 2007.6-2010.6, 结题
1.Lina Sun, Yong Geng et al.. Measurement of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
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2. Lina Sun, zhixin Niu et al. .Effects of Amendments of N, P, Fe on Phytoextraction of Cd, Pb, Cu, and Zn in Soil of Zhangshi by Mustard, Cabbage, and Sugar Beet, Environmental Toxicology,2007,6(22):565-571
3. Lina Sun et al.. Temporal-spatial Distribution and Variability of Cadmium (Cd) Contamination in Soils in Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences ,2006,18(6):1241-1246
4. Lina Sun et al.. Spatial distribution of Cd, Cu in soils in Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area (SZIA), China. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B,2008,9(3):271-278
5. Lina Sun et al.. Effects of Flooding on Changes in Eh, pH and Speciation of Cadmium and Lead in Contaminated Soil. Bullentin of environmental contamination and toxicology,2007,79(5):514-518
6. Lv LH, Sun LA*, Yuan CL, Han Y, Huang ZH. The combined enhancement of RL, nZVI and AQDS on the microbial anaerobic-aerobic degradation of PAHs in soils. Chemosphere. (2022) 135609.
7. Zijin Bian, Lina Sun* et al.. Estimation of multimedia metal(loid)s around abandoned mineral processing plants using hyperspectral technology and extreme learning machine. Environmental Science and Pollution Research https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-22904-1.
8. Xuehao Zheng, Miaomiao Zhao, Lina Sun * et al.. Using organo–mineral complex material to prevent the migration of soil Cd and As into crops: An agricultural practice and chemical mechanism study. Science of the Total Environment , 883 (2023) 163662.
9. Zijin Bian, Lina Sun et.al.. Estimation of Heavy Metals in Tailings and Soils Using Hyperspectral Technology: A Case Study in a TinPolymetallic Mining Area. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00128-021-03311-7.
10. Li Zhen, Sun Lina, Wang Hui. Adsorption behaviour and mechanism of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons onto typical microplastics in a soil solution. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. DOI:10.1080/03067319.2022.2128791
11. Li Zhen, Wang XX, Sun Lina* et al.. Pyr-GC-MS analysis of microplastics extracted from formland soils. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. DOI:10.1080/03067319.2021.1969382
12. Luge Rong, Xuehao Zheng, Belay Tafa O, Chenbo Shen, Xiaoxu Wang, Hui Wang, Qing Luo , Lina Sun **. Activating soil microbial community using bacillus and rhamnolipid to remediate TPH contaminated soil. Chemosphere,2021
13. Yue-Xian Song, Su Chen, Nan You, Hong-Tao Fan*, Li-Na Sun**. Nanocomposites of zero-valent Iron@Activated carbon derived from corn stalk for adsorptive removal of tetracycline antibiotics. Chemosphere 255 (2020) 126917
14. Xuehao Zheng, Hui Ding, Ximeng Xu, Benqiang Liang, Xingyi Liu, Dan Zhao & Lina Sun*. In situ phytoremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-contaminated agricultural greenhouse soil using celery. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY https://doi.org/10.1080/09593330.2020.1727022
15. Hui Wang, Lina Sun* et al.. Optimal Design of River Monitering Network in Tazihe River by Matter Element Analysis, POLS ONE, 2015/05
16. Hongling Zhang, Lina Sun* et al.. Spatial distribution and seasonal variation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contaminations in surface water from the Hun River, Northeast China, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2013, 185:1451-1462
17. Qing Luo, Lina Sun* et al.. Metabonomics Study on Root Exudates of Cadmium Hyperaccumulator Sedum Alfredii. 2015,43(1): 7–12
18. Qing Luo, Lina Sun* et al.. The Variation of Root Exudates from the Hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii under Cadmium Stress: Metabonomics Analysis. POLS ONE, 2014.12
19. Jiaxi Tang,Lina Sun* et al.. Agricultural non-point source pollutants reduction By established riparian vegetated filter strips:a case study in the Liao
River area, China. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2013. 11 (3-4)
20. Meihua Lian, Yaohua Zhang, Lina Sun* et al.. Influence of Dissolved Organic Matter on Cd Speciation in Rhizosphere Soil Solution and Phytoextraction by Sedum alfredii and Sedum sarmentosum. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. Vol. 24, No. 5 (2015), 2035-2044
21. Qing Luo, Lina Sun* et al..Metabolic profiling analysis of root exudates from the Cd hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii under different Cd exposure concentrations and times , Analytical Methods, 2015.03
22. Su Chen, Lina Sun* et al.. Influence of organic acid and amino acid on cadmium and lead desorption from soil. Australia Journal of Soil Research, 2007, 45: 554-558
23. Su Chen, Lina Sun* et al.. Interaction between cadmium, lead and potassium fertilizer (K2SO4) in a soil-plant system. Geochemistry and Health, 2007,29(5): 435-446
24. Hongling Zhang, Lina Sun* et al.. Estimation of Lead Bioavailability in Smelter-Contaminated Soils by Single and Sequential Extraction Procedure. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2009) 82: 43–47
25. Hongling Zhang, Lina Sun *et al.. Solubility of ion and trace metals from stabilized sewage sludge by fly ash and alkaline mine tailing. Journal of environmental science, 2008,20(6)
26. Hongling Zhang, Lina Sun* et al.. Solubility of trace elements and heavy metals from stabilized sewage sludge by fly ash. Journal of environmental science, (2009)
27. T. Bao, Lina Sun* et al.. Effect of cadmium on physiological responses of wheat and corn to iron deficiency, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2012.08
28. N Zhixin, S Lina* et al.. Dynamics of three oranic acids (malic, acetic and succinic acid) in sunflower exposed to cadmium and lead, International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2013.07
29. Wu H, Sun L*, Wang H, et al. In situ sodium persulfate/calcium peroxide oxidation in remediation of TPH-contaminated soil in 3D-sand box[J]. Environmental technology, 2018, 39(1): 91-101.
30. Wu H, Sun L*, Wang H, et al.. Persulfate Oxidation for the Remediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soils. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2016.08
31. Wang X, Sun L*, Wang H, et al.. Surfactant-enhanced bioremediation of DDTs and PAHs in contaminated farmland soils. Environmental Technology, 2018.05
32. Hui Wang, Lina Sun* et al.. In-Situ Bioremediation of DDTs and PAH Contaminated Aging Farmland Soil Using Blood Meal. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 2017.12
33. Hui Wang, Lina Sun* et al.. Spatial Distribution and Seasonal Variations of Heavy Metal Contamination in Surface Waters of Liaohe River, Northeast China. Chinese Geographical Science, 2017.01
34. Wang H, Liu Z, Sun L, et al. Characterization and Risk Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Surface Water from Liaohe River, Northeast China[J]. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 2018, 38(5): 389-401
35. Zhang H, Ma G, Sun L et al.. Effect of alkaline material on phytotoxicity and bioavailability of Cu, Cd, Pb and Zn in stabilized sewage sludge[J]. Environmental technology, 2018, 39(17): 2168-2177.
36. Tong Bao, Tieheng Sun, Lina Sun* et al.. Low molecular weight organic acids in root exudates and cadmium accumulation in cadmium hyperaccumulator solanum nigruml,and nonhyperaccumulator solanum lycopersicumL. African journal of biotechnology vol 2011
37. Tong Bao, Lina Sun* et al.. The effects of Fe deficiency on low molecular weight organic acid exudation and cadmium uptake by solanum nigrumL. siol&plant science 2011 61:4 305-311
38. Tong Bao, Lina Sun* et al.. Evaluation of iron on cadmium uptake by tomato, moreland leaf red beet in hydroponic culture. journal of plant nutrition 2010 33;5 713-723
39. Tong Bao, Lina Sun* et al.. Iron-deficiency induces cadmium uptake and accumulation in solanum nigrum L. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2009,82:338-342.
40. Niu Zhixin, Lina Sun* et al.. Evaluation of phytoextracting cadmium and lead by sun flower,ricinus,alfalfa and mustard in hydroponic culture. journal of environmental sciences, 2006
41. Hongling Zhang, Lina Sun* et al.. Principal physicoahenmical properties of artificial soil composed of fly ash,,sewage sludge and mine tailing. bullenviron contam toxical,2007
42. Niu Zhixin, Lina Sun* et al.. Response of Root and Aerial Biomass to Phytoextraction of Cd and Pb by Sunflower, Castor bean, Alfalfa and Mustard. Advances in Environmental Biology, 2009, 3(3): 255-262
43. Niu Zhixin, Lina Sun* et al.. Characteristics of cadmium and lead phytoextraction by sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in sand culture. Advanced Materials Research, 2011,183: 1496-1504.
44. Qing Luo, Shiyu Wang, Muhammad Adee, Yue Shan, Hui Wang & Lina Sun.
Solvent demulsification-dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction based
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45. Wang Hui, Zhao Yingying, Rong Luoge, Sun Lina et.al.. Characterization of a bacterial strain capable of degrading diesel under aerobic conditions and its application in bioremediation of contaminated soil. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2022, 31(01A): 895-901.
46. Wang Hui, Jiao Zhenheng, Wang Liusuo, Wang Yinggang, Luo Qing, Wu Hao, Wang Xiaoxu, Sun Lina. The study on optimal design of river monitoring network using modified approaching degree model: a case study of the Liaohe River, Northeast China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27: 41515–41523.
47. Siyao Liu, Sun Lina et.al.. Characteristics of Jumper Communities in Farmland Soil Around Typical Mercury Thallium Mining Areas . Biological Diversity (Chinese), 2022, 30 (12): 22265
48. Qing Luo, Shiyu Wang, Yue Shan, Li-na Sun, Hui Wang. Matrix solid-phase dispersion coupled with gas chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry for simultaneous determination of 13 organophosphate esters in vegetables. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2018) 410:7077–7084
49. Qing Luo, Shiyu Wang, Li-na Sun & Hui Wang. Metabolic profiling of root exudates from two ecotypes of Sedum alfredii treated with Pb based on GC-MS. Scientific Reports (2017)| 7:39878 | DOI: 10.1038/srep39878
50. G.F. Ma, H. Ye, H.L. Zhang, C.L. He, L.N. Sun, H.F. Zhang, Z.Q. Hu. The relation between wetting and interfacial chemistry in the Zr-Based BMGs/W system. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,690(2017):906-908
51. Wang Hui, Zhao Yueming, Adeel Muhammad, Liu Chunyue, Wang Yinggang. Luo Qing, Wu Hao, Sun Lina. Characteristics and health risk assessment of potentially toxic metals in urban topsoil in Shenyang City, northeast China. Clean-air, soil, water, 2020, 48: 1900228.
52. Zhang Hongling, Sun Lina*, Sun Tieheng. Leaching characteristics of manganese and iron from artificial soil. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 518-523: 2568-2571.
53. 李珍,孙丽娜*等,土壤中聚乙烯和聚苯乙烯微塑料对多环芳烃的吸附行为和机理分析,环 境 科 学 学 报,2022,42(11):232-244
54. 韩悦,孙丽娜*等,鼠李糖脂-纳米零价铁-丙酮酸钠强化微生物厌氧-好氧降解土壤DDTs效果研究,农 业 环 境 科 学 学 报, 2023,42(4):799-810
55. 时馨竹,孙丽娜*等,沈阳周边农田土壤中微塑料组成与分布,农 业 环 境 科 学 学 报, 2021,40(7): 1498-1508
56. 余果,孙丽娜*等,全氟丁烷磺酸对其耐受菌胞外聚合物特征的影响,农 业 环 境 科 学 学 报, 2023,42(5):1032-1041
57. 李珍, 孙丽娜等* ,基于热裂解气相色谱-质谱技术对农田土壤中纳米塑料的检测方法,环境化学,2023,43(3):
58. Qing Luo , Leiyan Gu , Zhongping Wu , Yue Shan , Hui Wang , Lina Sun. Distribution, source apportionment and ecological risks of organophosphate esters in surface sediments from the Liao River,Northeast China. Chemosphere, 250(2020)126297
59. Zhang H. L, Zhifang Zhao, Guofeng Ma, Lina Sun. Quantitative evaluation of soil anti-erodibility in riverbank slope remediated with nature-based soil bioengineering in Liaohe River, Northeast China. Ecological Engineering, 2020, 151 doi:
60.Hui Wang, Chunyue Liu, Luge Rong, Xiaoxu Wang, Lina Sun et al..
Optimal river monitoring network using optimal partition analysis: a case study of Hun River, Northeast China. Environmental Technology, 2019, 40(11):1359–1365
61.Yushuang Li, Xiaojun Hu, Xueying Song, Yongxia Hou, Lina Sun.
Phytoextraction potential of Solanum nigrum L. and Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla L. in Cd-contaminated water. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2015, 4(4):1683-1687
62.Chen S., Ma H.Y., Zhan S.H., Chao L., Sun L.N et al.. Remediation
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63.Hui Wang, Chunyue Liu, Luoge Rong, Lina Sun et al.. Polycyclic
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64.Tong Bao, Lina Sun* et al.. Effect of cadmium hyperaccmulation on
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1.孙丽娜、王辉、孙铁珩。辽宁中部城市群生态环境可持续发展能力 。沈阳:东北大学出版社, 2010.3,ISBN 978-7-81102-A812-6
2.王辉、孙丽娜等,辽河流域水环境监测网络优化,北京:中国环境科学出版社,2017.12, ISBN978-7-5111-3406-6
3.杨雪莲、李凤梅、孙丽娜、刘广纯,环境与资源微生物学,沈阳:辽宁科学出版社, 2007.,ISBN 978-7-5381-4790-21
4.徐新阳、孙丽娜,环境评价教程,北京:化学工业出版社2004. 5,ISBN7-5025-5586-2/G.149
5.陈苏、孙丽娜等,河岸带健康评估指标体系与评估方法,北京:中国环境出版社,2018.1, ISBN978-7-5111-3399-1
6.张洪齢、孙丽娜等,辽河保护区河岸带稳定与污染阻控技术,北京:化学工业出版社, 2018.6, ISBN978-7-122-32050-6
7.吴昊、孙丽娜等,过硫酸盐在污染环境修复中的应用,北京:中国环境科学出版社,2018.1, ISBN 978-7-5111-3435-6
9.宋永会、王阳、白洁、 冯占立、乔琦、全燮、孙丽娜等,辽河流域水污染控制技术集成与应用示范,北京:科学出版社,ISBN 978-7-03-066555-3
1. 孙丽娜、吕良禾、王晓旭、王辉、吴昊、苑春莉、韩悦,一种联合强化顺序厌氧-好氧高效降解土壤DDTs和PAHs复合污染土壤的方法(ZL 2022 1 0665244.6), 2023-09-09
2. 孙丽娜, 王晓旭, 陈苏, 王辉, 吴昊, 牛之欣, 吕良禾,一种联合修复滴滴涕-多环芳烃复合污染土壤的方法 (ZL 201610137138.5), 2018.08
3. 孙丽娜, 王晓旭, 吴昊, 王辉, 陈苏. 一种 DDT 降解菌及其利用 DDT 原位修复污染土壤方法(ZL 201610226232.8),2019.06
4. 孙丽娜,吴昊等, 一种石油类污染场地土壤的原位联合修复方法 (ZL 201610234782.4), 2019.04
5. 张鸿龄,马国峰,孙丽娜,农业流域河岸带边坡的土壤-植物-生物稳定方法ZL201510109862.2), 2016.08
6. 张鸿龄,马国峰,孙丽娜,构建阻控农业面源污染寒冷地
区河岸缓冲带的方法 (ZL201510186513.0),2016.08
7. 罗庆,王诗雨,单岳,孙丽娜,王辉. 一种利用基质固相分散萃取分析植物有机磷酸酯的方法 (ZL 201810192273.9), 2019.10
8. 陈苏,王晓旭,孙丽娜,晁雷,马鸿岳,蒲涵,韩琪琪,一种修复滴滴涕、多环芳烃复合污染土壤的方法 (ZL 201610129230.8), 2018.11
9. 王辉, 孙丽娜, 王晓旭, 张鸿龄, 陈苏,吴昊,一种生物剂修复滴滴涕-多环芳烃复合污染土壤的方法(ZL 201610226168.3), 2018.10
10.王辉, 孙丽娜, 张鸿龄, 陈苏, 王晓旭,吴昊,一种利用血粉原
位修复 DDTs 污染老化农田土壤的方法 (ZL 201610137971.X), 2018.08
11. 罗庆,王诗雨,孙丽娜,王辉 . 同时快速检测土壤中多种有机
磷酸酯阻燃剂方法( ZL 201710408076.1), 2019.12
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1. “辽河保护区水生态修复技术与示范”,辽宁省科技进步二等奖,2018-J-2-26-RO.1(排名第一)